32 before 32 - Projects 5 - 8

The next batch of projects from my challenge.

diy camera strap

Project #5 - I've wanted to learn more about my camera for a while now. After getting a new lense I wanted an easy way to add some fun and color to my camera strap. I looked through pinterest at about a dozen different tutorial but I wanted something quick and easy so I found some ribbon that was exactly the right size. I topstitched it right on top of the strap I had and it was all done. The ribbon is by Amy Butler from Renaissance Ribbons.

washi tape dolls

Project #6 - Lucy loved making these wash tape dolls, she decorated them and played with them for at least an hour. She asked if she could make more the next day.

hand carved stamp

Project #7 - I've had this stamp carving kit for years and I never knew what to do with it. I finally got the motivation to cut into it after starting my project. Drawing is not one of my talents so I made a simple bunting banner.

hand stamped cards

Project #8 - I made these cards using the stamp and filled in some of the flags with other stamps I had. It's not perfect but I had fun trying something new.